SSDlife versions history

2.5.82 – September 3, 2014

+ Added support for Sasmung 850 Pro.
+ Added support for SanDisk Ultra Plus.
+ Added support for SanDisk Extreme USB 3.0 Flash Drive.

2.5.80 – August 6, 2014

+ Fixed support for Crucial M550 mSATA (detection, added image)

2.5.78 – July 14, 2014

+ Full support for Crucial M500, M550, MX100 added
* some bugs fixed

2.5.76 – May 28, 2014

* some bugs fixed

2.5.69 – March 26, 2014

* Japanese translation fixes.
* some bugs fixed

2.5.67 – February 20, 2014

+ New feature – Firmware monitoring (will be explained later)
* some bugs fixed

2.3.56 – June 15, 2013

+ SSDLife for Ultrabook release!
* some bugs fixed

2.3.50 – October 5, 2012

+ Support for mSATA LiteON M3M added.
+ some other important changes, but details about them are lost 🙂

2.2.42 – January 27, 2012

+ For Samsung 830 support for writen bytes statistics has been added.
+ Added support for  AData S596, Corsair Force, Force GT, Performance Pro, Plextor PX-M2P, PX-M3S, SanDisk P4.
* Fixed support for MacBook Air.
+ If the disk does not report detailed information about the condition (wear), then we portray the general state, good/bad by the general status SMART.
+ If the disk does not support read/writen statistics, then we inform the user about it.
– The web-report function is temporarily disabled.

2.2.39 – November 29, 2011

* New images for ssd disks Patriot Torqx 2, Corsair Nova 2, SanDisk P4 (health status not supported)
* No any messages about expired license key. Fixed.

2.3.38 – November, 15, 2011 – Samsung 830, OCZ Vertex Plus
are now supported!

+ Added the support of the following SSD drives: Samsung 830, Kingston V+180, Kingston SSDNow 30GB, OCZ Vertex Plus, Kingston V+100
* Improved the support of Kingston SNVP325 and SNV325 drives after firmware changes.
– Due to recent modifications in the firmware of Samsung 470 drives, it’s no longer possible to monitor their health status. The support of these SSD drives has been discontinued. 🙁
* The design of the main window has been changed – more space has been added, since 3 lines of text (for instance, a WARNING state notification) did not fit into the default text area.
* In some cases, the file with monitoring data was deleted (e.g after upgrades). The issue is fixed now.

2.1.29 – April, 26, 2011 – Intel 320, Intel 510, Vertex 3, Crucial C400
are now supported!

+ The modern Intel 320, 510, Corsair Performance Series 3, Vertex3, Crucial C400/m4 SSDs are now supported!
+ Information about AData S599, S590 has been added.
* Data about Intel X25-M SMART attributes has been updated.
* The SSD lifetime calculation algorithm has been improved.
* Minor interface modifications have been made.
* When the free version was upgraded, the settings and data of the program were deleted even if the user wanted to keep them. Fixed.
* SSDLife would not start after its installation event if this option was selected. Fixed.

1.2.17 – January, 28, 2011

+ Full Crucial C300 support added.
* Fails to show attribute names for Kingston SNV225. Fixed.

1.1.15 – January, 18, 2011

Changes in this version:
+ If the free space is less than 20%  of the capacity of an SSD, the
information on the free space is highlighted in red.
+ Replaced the “No SSD found” message with a more descriptive one.

Fixed bugs:
* Displays incorrect disk size in the online report. Fixed.
* Returns incorrect disk information – outdated firmware version, etc. Fixed.
* Loses registration data after installing the ServicePack. Fixed.
* Shows high-capacity Crucial drives as unknown. Fixed.
* Added link to the page describing the health calculation algorithm. Fixed.
* Returns wrong  end-of-life date: at 20% health, it warns that the disk will
die tomorrow. Fixed.
* Fails to show attribute names for Kingston. Fixed.

¿Cuánto durará su SSD?

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