Alex Dukov

ssd over provisioning example 2094x1956 1 e1719350319817

Un modo gratuito per aumentare la durata e la velocità dell'SSD.

Introduction Many myths and prejudices exist about SSD disks, such as the need to disable the swap file in Windows. This has led to a range of dubious recommendations for system tweaks. However, there are some methods that really work. One way to improve SSD performance is to reserve space on the drive. And surprisingly,

Un modo gratuito per aumentare la durata e la velocità dell'SSD. Leggi tutto »

Come abbiamo riparato un SSD con settori danneggiati: Un caso raro di successo

The combination of SSD and “bad sectors” will seem unbelievable to many people: It doesn’t happen! In fact, SSD controllers are typically configured so that the user never sees “bad sectors” – the controller promptly removes these errors at the expense of “spare” blocks of flash memory. Theoretically, they can occur when the spare space

Come abbiamo riparato un SSD con settori danneggiati: Un caso raro di successo Leggi tutto »

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